Thursday, June 7, 2012

May Valley Voice

Kia ora koutou Aro Valley,
Autumn's back after an interesting summer harvest (anyone else have problems with their tomatoes this year?). We've had some great gardening Sundays recently, and all three of the gardens are looking fairly tidy and with bountiful crops either just been or soon on their way. I'm personally looking foward to the parsnips and jerusalem artichokes for some yummy roasts. 

We owe some great thanks to Aro Valleyites that have been using the compost bins at The Orchard at the top of Aro Street. The bins are filling up and we're looking forward to using the compost for the fruit trees and veggies growing up that way. If you're keen to compost but don't have space or a use for it at home, you're welcome to contact us about getting rid of your fruit and veg scraps in one of our compost bins or worm farms in Aro Valley - send us an email and we'll let you know the details.

We are also extremely grateful for a keen kai o te aro gardener that has expertise in fruit trees and has been pruning them appropriately (as now is the time!). We're lucky to have you on board, and we're looking forward to seeing our fruit trees growing strong and healthy with an abundance of plums, apples, fejoa (to name a few) over the coming years.

If you've got a special skill you'd like to share with us, pop us a line. All sorts of skills welcome, or, like lots of us, you can come along to learn as we go.

Show up to one of our gardening Sundays to join in or give it a go. We meet on the first and third Sunday of the month at 10am outside the Aro Valley Community Centre at 48 Aro St. We're also keen for people to get gardening at other times and you can email us to make a time for us to show you around. For questions or to jump on our email list, email us at

Happy gardening everyone! Here's to log burners, dark ales, roast vegetables, and crisp autumn days in the garden,

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